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I have the following test:

public void Load()
    INestedUnitOfWork unitOfWork = Isolate.Fake.Instance<INestedUnitOfWork>();
    IAmazonCredentials credentials = Isolate.Fake.Instance<IAmazonCredentials>();
    AmazonCredentialsForm view = Isolate.Fake.Instance<AmazonCredentialsForm>();

    WizardPresenter wp = Isolate.Fake.Instance<WizardPresenter>();

    AmazonCredentialsFormPresenter presenter = new AmazonCredentialsFormPresenter(unitOfWork, credentials, view);
    Isolate.Invoke.Event(() => view.Load += null);

    Isolate.Verify.WasCalledWithAnyArguments(() => wp.ConfigureButtons());
    Isolate.Verify.WasCalledWithAnyArguments(() => view.NameTextEdit.Focus());

The view.Load event is wired up in the constructor of the AmazonCredentialsFormPresenter to a private function:
void mView_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

The test is failing on the Isolate.Invoke.Event line with a System.NullReferenceException. I've tried a few variations, such as:
Isolate.Invoke.Event(() => view.Load += null, EventArgs.Empty);
Isolate.Invoke.Event(() => view.Load += null, this, EventArgs.Empty);
but all give the same result.

What am I missing here?
asked by dougclutter (3.5k points)

15 Answers

0 votes

There are few issues here:
First it looks like a bug from our side - You should not get NullReferenceExceprion.
I'll need more details to re-produce the error, I'll send you mail from our support and we'll continue to investigate it offline.

Second the test will not pass even without the exception.
When you are faking the AmazonCredentialsForm you are you are using the default of Isolate.Fake.Instance() which is to recursively fake all the methods and properties of this class. when you wand to add an event handler inside the constructor of AmazonCredentialsFormPresenter the event adder is faked and the handler is not wired to the event.

You have few option to solve this:
1. Specify explicitly that the event adder should be called:
AmazonCredentialsForm view = Isolate.Fake.Instance<AmazonCredentialsForm>();
Isolate.WhenCalled(() => view.Load += null).CallOriginal();

2. create the fake AmazonCredentialsForm with Members.CallOriginal
AmazonCredentialsForm view = Isolate.Fake.Instance<AmazonCredentialsForm>(Members.CallOriginal);
answered by ohad (35.4k points)
0 votes
I am also experiencing a similar issue. Getting a NullReferenceException when calling Invoke.Event. However, I'm dealing with an interface.

Taking the example from the docs to show my case (Can't provide my actual code but this example reproduces the NullRef exception):

public interface ILogger
    event EventHandler LogEntryCreated;

public class ComponentThatUsesLogger
    public ComponentThatUsesLogger(ILogger logger)
        Logger = logger;

    public ILogger Logger { get; set; }

    public bool EventRaised { get; private set; }

    public void Register()
        Logger.LogEntryCreated += (o, e) => EventRaised = true;

public void Parse_AAndHMessageFromSampleFile_ThreeMessagesParsed()
    var logger = Isolate.Fake.Instance<ILogger>();
    var component = new ComponentThatUsesLogger(logger);


    Isolate.Invoke.Event(() => logger.LogEntryCreated += null, this, EventArgs.Empty);


I don't have the option of using CallOriginal since I'm dealing with the ILogger interface. How would I do this?
answered by csantos (2.8k points)
0 votes

This looks like a bug from our side.
Thanks for reporting it, we will fix it and send you a patch.
answered by ohad (35.4k points)
0 votes
Thanks'll have that tomorrow morning, right? :D

(Yes, I am kidding.)
answered by dougclutter (3.5k points)
0 votes

I have bumped into the same problem, with a call to:


Generating a NullReferenceException.

Anyone know when a fix will be available?

answered by ramnefors (3.9k points)
0 votes
Hi Mats,

Just to make sure, did it happen on a fake of interface or abstract class?

Typemock Support
answered by Elisha (12k points)
0 votes
Hi Elisha,

It happens both on an interface:

IAssessment assessment = Isolate.Fake.Instance<IAssessment>();
Isolate.Invoke.Event(() => assessment.CurrentProcessChanged += null, null, null);

and when using an actual object instead:

IAssessment assessment = DsAssessment.GenerateTestContent();
Isolate.Invoke.Event(() => assessment.CurrentProcessChanged += null, null, null);

Should I do something else or is this a bug?

Cheers Mats
answered by ramnefors (3.9k points)
0 votes
Hi Mats,

You're using it correctly, this is in fact the same bug. We're already working on fixing it. The fix will be available in the the upcoming release.

Typemock Support
answered by Elisha (12k points)
0 votes
Hi All,

The issue of invoking event that is defined in an interface was resolved in version 5.4.4.
answered by ohad (35.4k points)
0 votes
I am using TM 5.4.5 and I am still having problems firing an event defined on an interface. I think this test should pass and it does not (it compiles and runs, but I don't think the event handler code is ever executed).

public void TestProblem () {

   IRootCollection rootCollection = Isolate.Fake.Instance<IRootCollection> ();
   bool fired = false;
   rootCollection.CadContextChanged += new PropertyChangeEventHandler ((sender, args) => { fired = true; });
   Isolate.Invoke.Event (() => rootCollection.CadContextChanged += null, null, null);
   Assert.IsTrue (fired);

What am I doing wrong?
answered by sellingerd (5.7k points)