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0 votes


  is it similar case for sharet_ptr? I have a method

std::shared_ptr<char[]> MBRegister::ReadData(const int regAddr, const int regCount)
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(lock);
    char* res = nullptr;
    if (regAddr >= 0 && regAddr + (regCount-1) <= registerCount) 
        res = new char[regCount * 2];        

        char* startRead = buffer + (regAddr * 2);
        errno_t error = memcpy_s(res, regCount * 2, startRead, regCount * 2);
        if (error != 0) 
            delete[] res;
            res = nullptr;

    return std::shared_ptr<char[]>(res);

I'm not sure how mock this method by using PRIVATE_WHEN_CALLED, or other construct.

Thank you


asked by Daril (600 points)

Mocking shared_ptr objects or functions that return shared_ptr objects is not supported yet.

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Daril,

Although there is a difference between unique_ptr and shared_ptr.
The principal of mocking should be the same.

Have you tried to mock and failed? If so, please share what you have tried.

Alon Sapozhnikov.
Support Specialist.

answered by Alon_TypeMock (10.5k points)

Hi Alon,

  thank you for quick response.
I tried several cases:

  1. std::shared_ptr<char[]> lrmcsName(new char[5]{"test"});
  2. WHEN_CALLED(mbRegister->ReadData(0, 8)).Return(&lrmcsName);
  3. WHEN_CALLED(mbRegister->ReadData(0, 8)).Return(BY_VAL(lrmcsName));
It's always crash on line with mock (WHEN_CALLED).

Thank you 

Hi Daril,

I understand.
Is it possible for you to provide a sample project which reprodues this issue?
And also the logs of a test run that fails in your machine?
You can enable logs in the Cofiguration Tool of Isolator++.

I'm sending you a private email so you could send the files in a more convenient platform.

Alon Sapozhnikov. 
