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0 votes
I have used Isolator++ with a free license. After I updated the Isolator++ to and applied a new license key received by email, the tests failed with the exception message "License is not a Server license."

Is there a way to resolve this and continue to use Isolator++ with the free license?
asked by beagled (2.2k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

How are you running Isolator++? Are you executing the tests locally or through a build server?
answered by Erel_TypeMock (2.6k points)
I have been running Isolator++ locally. I've just found that the current license I acquired when I downloaded Isolator++ worked without error when I uninstalled the installation of and rollback to
Are there separate installations of Isolator++ that require a different license?
I am also seeing this exception with Isolator++ when running tests locally. The same license works with version
Is there a known resolution for this? Also, is there an archive for downloading an older version for rollback? Thanks!


We've sent you an email to the address you signed up with in order to examine the issue you're experiencing further. cool
