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0 votes

When I do this in code:

var fake = Isolate.Fake.Instance<MyObj>();
Isolate.WhenCalled(() => fake.HasLoaded).WillReturn(false);

Some code I run later will turn it to true, is there a way to say return false only once? I then want it to return true whenever I check it later. I guess, I need it to return false initially, then use CallOriginal() for all subsequent checks.

asked by bmains (13.2k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

It is possible to set several behaviors on the same method. In this case the last behavior set will be the default after the rest were used. For example:
public void TwoConsecutiveCallsToWillReturn()
    var fakeProduct = Isolate.Fake.Instance<Product>();

    // Calling WhenCalled once cause the value to be the default return value
    Isolate.WhenCalled(() => fakeProduct.Price).WillReturn(20.0f);

    // this call cause the previous behavior to happen once and this behavior becomes the default returned value 
    Isolate.WhenCalled(() => fakeProduct.Price).WillReturn(15.0f);

    // Calling Price the 1st time return 20
    Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, fakeProduct.Price);

    // fakeProduct.Price will return 15 for the rest of the calls
    Assert.AreEqual(15.0f, fakeProduct.Price);
    Assert.AreEqual(15.0f, fakeProduct.Price);

In the case you have described where you want to fake the first call and use the original method after you can set two behaviors, for example:
public class Counter
    private int counter = 100;

    public int CountAndIncrement()
        return counter++;

public void CounterTest()
    var instance = Isolate.Fake.Instance<Counter>(Members.CallOriginal);

    Assert.AreEqual(0, instance.CountAndIncrement());
    Assert.AreEqual(100, instance.CountAndIncrement());
    Assert.AreEqual(101, instance.CountAndIncrement());

Please note that in this test the Members.CallOriginal is used in the fake creation. If it's omitted then Isolate.WhenCalled(()=>instance.CountAndIncrement()).CallOriginal() will be ignored and the method will always return 0. We're investigating it to see if it's a bug.

Please let me know if it helps.

Best Regards,
Typemock Support Team
answered by Elisha (12k points)