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Our organization has been unit testing for several years. We started out with hand-built mocks, then moved to NUnit mocks, then moved to Rhino Mocks (which we've been using for ~3 years now), and now are considering moving to TypeMock Isolator.

We love the powerful and simple Isolator API. Great job there.

However, we have some concerns that may prevent us from using Isolator:

-Installing TypeMock causes Visual Studio 2008 to act up. We've seen several crashes of VS, and numerous times where VS is pegging the CPU. Less importantly, it causes VS memory usage to shoot up to 1GB+. Is TypeMock VS integration still unstable? This unstable VS integration is the most pressing concern that prevents us from using TypeMock.

-We are using Microsoft Pex integration, and have read some scary posts claiming TypeMock and Pex don't play well together, again due to the VS integration. Any truth to this?

-We use CruiseControl.NET and its built-in NUnit task to automatically run our 10,000+ unit tests. Searching your forums reveals TypeMock doesn't work out-of-the-box with CruiseControl.NET, but requires a plug-in, which isn't officially supported. Sounds like pain. I don't wany any pain points here, what's the story for this?

-We use TestDrivent.NET + NCover integration to get code coverage. Searching your forums reveals further issues with NCover. What's the story for this?

Seeing all these potential pain points is scaring us away from TypeMock Isolator, as much as we'd like to use the powerful and simple mocking API you guys have created.

Seems to us, we should wait to adopt TypeMock until things mature and stabilize. Thoughts?
asked by JudahGabriel (1.3k points)

6 Answers

0 votes
Hi Judah,

Thanks for your interest and feedback. I'll answer your points below, but first I'll say that Typemock Isolator has been in development for over 3 years now, and is definately a mature product.

-Installing TypeMock causes Visual Studio 2008 to act up.

This happens due to the new productivity add-in we released last month. We went into a new field for us - test authoring helpers, that work inside your IDE to help you write tests easier - and we went through a growing phase with it. Anyway these issues are now fixed in a version we'll release this week. I'm sending you a patched version offline until we get the public release out the door.

-We are using Microsoft Pex integration

Pex is not fully supported by Isolator. Basically, we got Isolator to link with Pex, but we may need to cook up a version for the latest Pex version as they change their profiler GUID almost every release. Isolated statements within Pex tests don't work well - we're working on resolving that issue in collaboration with the Pex team. If you don't plan on using Isolated statements within Pex test methods, I can get you a working solution very quickly. If you are, I will up the priority of this issue and we'll get it fixed in an upcoming release.

-We use CruiseControl.NET and its built-in NUnit task

Isolator has a NAnt task you can put in your build script. Here's the relevant link to our developer's guide: ... Build.html

-We use TestDrivent.NET + NCover

I don't know of any current issue with NCover integration. A lot of people are doing that and we test it frequently in-house. I suggest you try and if there's any issue, we'll work with you on that

Again, thank you for the great feedback. I hope I helped convince you to go over to Isolator - I'm sure you'll not regret it. Would you be interested in some one on one guidance? Anyway, you can contact us here or on support (at) for anything.

Typemock Support
answered by doron (17.2k points)
0 votes
I'm sending you a patched version offline until we get the public release out the door.

Thanks, I'll give it a try.

If you don't plan on using Isolated statements within Pex test methods, I can get you a working solution very quickly.

We're more in the experimental stage with Pex. It's not a show-stopper yet. Can I at least have Pex and TypeMock installed side-by-side without causing VS integration issues? That would be a show-stopper.

Isolator has a NAnt task you can put in your build script. Here's the relevant link to our developer's guide:

I'm not familiar with NAnt tasks, but I understand we can get those working with CruiseControl if we install NAnt first. Ok. Little painful, but ok, it's workable.

Anyway, you can contact us here or on support (at) for anything.

Thanks. I may need to request a renewed trial license after we get through some initial setup issues. I'll shoot you and email as necessary.
answered by JudahGabriel (1.3k points)
0 votes
Regarding the CC.NET/NAnt point - I misread your post and thought you are using a NAnt task, rather than the NUnit task. I think a solution in your case would be to call Isolator's command line runner (TMockRunner.exe) and have it call NUnit. You can do that in ccnet using the generic executable task. Here's more info about running Isolator from the command line: ... unner.html

Let me know if I can be of further help.

Typemock Support
answered by doron (17.2k points)
0 votes
Sounds good.

We are currently investigating Pex and Isolator. If they can peacefully coexist, we may still be open to adopting Isolator.
answered by JudahGabriel (1.3k points)
0 votes

Which Pex version are you using? I can send you an Isolator version that will be able to link properly with Pex, albeit might still have issues faking within Pex test methods.

Typemock Support
answered by doron (17.2k points)
0 votes
Hi Doron,

We are using the latest version 0.19 that was released a few days ago. If you can send me a version of Isolator that plays well with this, send it over.
answered by JudahGabriel (1.3k points)